It all started when I stood up on my first surfboard at 5 years old…

You are strong, capable, limitless!

Drawing from 15 years of competitive surfing where I reached the top 12 on The Women's World Qualifying Series of surfing, and a current big wave surfer, I've transformed my passion for holistic living, training, and dedication into a journey of empowerment to share with other women.


Wellness with Bo:

As a certified nutritionist and personal trainer, I've made it my mission to guide women towards becoming the strongest and healthiest versions of themselves in mind, body, and spirit.


Finding Balance in Mind, Body, and Spirit

Drawing from 15 years of competitive surfing, where I reached the top 12 on the women's World Qualifying Series, I've transformed my passion for holistic living into a journey of empowerment. As a certified personal trainer and nutritionist, I've made it my mission to guide women toward becoming the strongest and healthiest versions of themselves in mind, body, and soul.

In a world often obsessed with scales and superficial ideals, my approach transcends the norm. I believe in nourishing our bodies with real, wholesome ingredients to achieve optimal clarity and centered well-being. It's not just about fitness; it's a holistic journey that encompasses nutrition, mindfulness, self-love, and self-care.

My specialization in weight lifting, yoga, meditation and mobility sets the stage for a comprehensive wellness experience. More than just a trainer, as a nutritionist I focus on helping find balance in the body through nutrition, acknowledging the intricate connection between what we eat and how we show up in our day to day lives in and out of the gym. Join me on this transformative path, where we focus less on numbers and more on cultivating a lifestyle that radiates strength, health, and genuine well-being.



My Mission


“We don’t need to change the size of our bodies in order to accomplish anything; we need to change the way we think about our bodies. We need to remember that we are made up of three parts: Mind, Body & Soul and that each part needs equal attention, love and care.”

You may have seen me featured in:


My Mission

We are genetically created to look different when we are healthy in mind, body and soul. My emphasis is to have a foundation of self love and a positive body image no matter what stage of your journey you are on. We are designed to ebb and flow, to change and fluctuate.

My goal is to empower female athletes, surfers, and women at large to be strong, bold and confident. Not ask them to change the size of their bodies to fit an unrealistic beauty idea, rather to focus on being the healthiest version of themselves. Let us teach women to be the powerhouses they are meant to be! Lets show women that mental, physical, and spiritual heath are more important than any number on the scale or size of their bodies.

That mental and physical health and happiness should come first and foremost. Beauty is diverse. A healthy body does not come in one size or shape, we all look differently at our healthiest. It is genetics!!! I want women to know this, EMBRACE THIS, and OWN their own unique body. Lets encourage women to empower and uplift each other and build a sisterhood backed by self-love and strength. Together we are stronger, together we can help build each other up.